Hey, Friend!

I'm Rachel, and I empower women to live in faith and freedom by overcoming negative mindsets and crushing limiting beliefs.

I'll help you become the happiest and most successful version of yourself using the power of God's Word, prayer, and intentional thinking.

Life is HARD...

Especially when you're struggling with negative thoughts and sabotaging mindsets.

If you struggle with thoughts like:

  • This [bad situation] must be happening because of a mistake I made when I was younger.

  • I'm not good enough to deserve happiness or God's love.

  • This [good outcome] must have happened only because I got lucky this time.

  • What if I try [to do this thing] and fail? Maybe it's safer not to try at all.

  • My family/friends/co-workers will judge me if they see me trying to do something different.

...then chances are you are experiencing immense feelings of overwhelm, fear, anxiety, and possibly hopelessness.

I'm here to tell you that you no longer have to live this way. There is hope 🫶🏼.

What is Intentional Thinking?

Most people in the world experience day-to-day living without giving much thought to what they are actually thinking. They feel like life just happens to them, they are a prisoner to their circumstances, and they cannot do anything about it...it is what it is.

That could not be further from the truth.

Our circumstances are a direct reflection of what we think and how these thoughts make us feel.

Once we master the art of intentional thinking, or thinking on purpose, we open a whole new world of endless possibilities and postive results. It truly is magical.

You Deserve the Gift of Living Free.

It's time to stop beating yourself up for mistakes you've made in the past and borrowing worry from the future. The only time you have to make a difference is the present.

Right now is your opportunity to shift your thinking, create a new mindset, and act on your decision to change your current circumstances.

You deserve the gift of living free. This gift is available to you, every moment of every day.

For God gave us a spirit NOT of fear but of power and love and self-control.

2 Timothy 1:7

Are You Ready to Become Fearless & Finally Break Free From Negative Mindsets?

Being fearless doesn't mean you don't feel afraid.

It means you push through the fear that's holding you back and do what it takes anyway.

It means you #doitafraid.

All it takes is a decision to get started and I can help map out a gameplan for you.

Let's discover how you can create a life you absolutely love – free of fear, self-sabotage, limiting beliefs, and full of joy, power, and amazing results.

A gift from me to you...

31 Fear-Conquering Scriptural Affirmations to Help You Stay Empowered...

There's one for every day of the month :^).

© Rachel J. Aponte 2024.